Hisako Oba

Certified Acupressure / Massage Therapist (Cert# 12104) in Berkeley Area, CA

About the Practitioner

I was born and raised in Japan. As I was growing up, my mother used to give me shiatsu massages for various health conditions. So, it was a natural thing to do when I had my children. And I've been so grateful for this family tradition.

After working with preschool children for 20 years, I became more serious about taking care of myself and studied holistic approaches to health at the Acupressure Institute in Berkeley. It was an invaluable, transforming experience that helped me in all aspects of my life.

During the training, I worked as a volunteer acupressurist at the Pain Management Clinic in Berkeley. There, I had such a rewarding experience making people feel better and happier.

Since then, I have been drawn to this field of bodywork and am eager to share this method of health care. I believe in the benefits of bodywork therapy to promote individual well-being and, on a larger scale, create a better world.

I regularly practice yoga, qi gong, breath work, self-help energy work, sound healing, and meditation. I also love cooking, hiking, playing music, listening to the birds, watching the plants, and all other amazing things in the natural world.


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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